Nightly is where I will live
After some time working on Firefox OS and Connected Devices, I am moving back to Desktop land. Going forward I will be working with the...
New One and Done tasks for Project Vaani
The Vaani QA team has started working with the Raspberry Pi, and to that end we thought it would be fun to create a few One and Done...
Preparing for the Internet of Things
Back in December when the announcement was made that we would shift focus to Connected Devices, I started thinking about how different...

Firefox OS QA at FOSDEM 2016
Despite the fact I have been around the Mozilla project for some time, I never did get the opportunity to attend the FOSDEM conference....

Mozilla is about people
Photo Courtesy of As 2015 winds down, I thought it was appropriate to post this great photo...

Recap: l10n/QA Joint Hackathon in Paris
It is pretty clear that when Mozillians get together that magic often ensues - and this weekend's event in Paris was no exception. I saw...
LibriFox emerges - try it now on your Firefox OS Device!
An update to my June 15th post about the group of students working on their own Firefox OS Summer of Code - as a result of their hard...
Goals for the next quarter
I just finished posting my Goals for Q3. In addition to continuing work on the Bug Triage project, this quarter I want to gather a small...

Mozilla QA at the Work Week
A few weeks ago many Mozillians trekked to Whistler to experience the second Mozilla Coincidental Work Week. Below is a picture of the QA...
Upcoming joint QA-l10n events
Jeff Beatty and I have teamed up to work on some interesting "fusion" events in the upcoming quarters. The l10n team has already been...