Recap: l10n/QA Joint Hackathon in Paris
It is pretty clear that when Mozillians get together that magic often ensues - and this weekend's event in Paris was no exception. I saw some participants at this event that I had not seen in over 2 years, and it was great to once again to connect with our great community members from across the EU.
For the second time this year, the QA team joined forces with the existing l10n Hackathons being held across the globe and hosted a 2 day workshop in the Mozilla Paris space focusing on Firefox OS QA.

Group photo taken on the stairs of the Mozilla Paris office. You can see more pictures of the event here.
We covered a lot of territory in the 2 days - perhaps at times it may have been almost too much information. I created a document called "Introduction to Firefox OS Testing" and I intend to continue working on refining the document as the year goes on. It can then be used as a reference for future QA training events.
Part of having these events is getting feedback on what works and what doesn't - and the five participants shared some great feedback that will work to help us improve future events. The five of us plan to continue meeting and working together going forward, using both our newly created Telegram channel as well as planning some Vidyo meetings.
Another big win was being able to flash some Flames and give them to the localizers so they can test Firefox 2.5!
Thanks to everyone that attended for making this a truly wonderful event - I look forward to doing more of these types of events next year.